Sunday, June 1, 2008

One of the places Fa Xian visited

North India, when Chandra Gupta II ruled.

What impressed Faxian:

He was particularly impressed by the civic facilities for medical care in fifth-century Patna:
All the poor and destitute in the country...and all who are diseased, go to these houses, and are provided with every kind of help, and doctors examine their diseases. They get the food and medicines which their cases require, and are made to feel at ease; and when they are better, they go away of themselves.
This meant that the King cared for the people.

Despite the creation of the empire through war, the reign is remembered for its very influential style of Hindu art, literature, culture and science, especially during the reign of Chandra Gupta II. Some excellent works of Hindu art such as the panels at the Dashavatara Temple in Deogarh serve to illustrate the magnificence of Gupta art.
This symbolizes that the leader supports learning snd the arts, and for this to be carried out, the civilisation also must experience a time of peace.

Only marginally less successful than his father, Chandra Gupta II expanded his realm westwards, defeating the Saka Western Kshatrapas of Malwa, Gujarat and Saurashtra in a campaign lasting until 409.
This symbolises a powerful and prosperous civilisation.

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